Get Involved

SQSH, or the St. Louis Queer+ Support Helpline, offers free, confidential, and identity-affirming emotional support, resources, and referrals. If you appreciate the services we provide to the Greater St. Louis community, there are a number of ways you can help us continue the work we do.

Disclaimer: If you are having a medical or mental health emergency, please call someone you trust, 911, or one of these local or national hotlines first. We still welcome your call after you are in the process of receiving the immediate help that you need.

We are a short-term volunteer peer-counseling service. While we are guided by our Clinical Supervisors, we are no substitute for long-term, professional mental health care. Please visit MTUG's list of vetted providers or SQSHBook (once it launches) to contact a mental healthcare provider in the Greater St. Louis area.

COVID-19: To access mutual aid resources for COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease), visit STL Mutual Aid.

Join the team!

We are always looking for motivated individuals passionate about the St. Louis community. Apply to become a helpline volunteer, or join a SQSH project team!


If you enjoy the services we provide to the Greater St. Louis community, please consider a donation. Any amount is welcome and equally appreciated. We take payments through Venmo, GoFundMe, Facebook Donations, Cash, and Personal Check (addressed to "St. Louis Queer+ Support Helpline").

We deeply appreciate your donations, and we take them very seriously. We believe in accountability to those that put their trust and support in us, which is why we are providing the following information. To learn more about the financial and operational structure of our organization, you can read our Community Needs Assessment, our Project Summary, and our Full Project Proposal.

If you would like more information or have a question, please contact us.

Venmo Gofundme Facebook

Become a Community Partner

Our community partners help us do the work that we do. They include the Metro Trans Umbrella Group (MTUG), Trans Education Service (TES), Black Pride, NCCJ St. Louis, the National Council for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (NCADA), Behavioral Health Response (BHR), Provident Crisis Services (PCS), and others. If you or your organization is interested in partnering with SQSH, please complete an application. We'll be in touch.

Apply now!

MTUG PROMO Trans Queer Flat Black Pride ACLU MO TES STLAVP CREA Safe Connections YWCA NCADA Independence Center Provident Crisis Services KUTO NCCJ St. Louis BHR

Spread the word

There are more ways to get involved besides volunteering. Any help spreading the word about who we are and what we do is both valued and appreciated. Don't forget to keep up with us! Follow us and share our stuff on social media. Feel free to download or print our flyers below. Put up a SQSH flyer in your workplace, school, or community space to raise visibility for LGBTQIA+ resources, and let the queer folx in your lives know that they have a listening ear available to them!

Media Inquiries General Flyers Handout sheets Recruitment Flyers

Have a question, suggestion, or desire to make a general connection?

get in touch